jeudi 28 août 2014

Open of the New Ivory Coast Shôgi Ligue: Sakura

The Ivorian Shogi players now have new Shôgi called Sakura Ligue.
The Ligue aimes to play more shôgi, train players, initiate new players, make ranking for the players and organize tournaments.

The official ceremony of the launch of the Sakura Ligue will hold in September 07th 2014.

2014-2015 is a new year of challenge for Kishi from Africa. As we plan to organize in 2015 the International Abidjan Shôgi Open, we are also planning as follow:
- Shôgi meetings 2 sundays by month
- Shôgi little tournament once a quarter
- A national championship to determine the Title of national greatest player, yearly
- Friendship games on against other players from wide world...

Our goal is to create more interest in Shôgi in Ivory Coast, then in Africa, that is why we have such long time of hard working to put in place the Sakura Ligue. In fact, help from other federations, for online friendship games, and materials would be greatly appreciated!!! Shôgi has definitively found its place in Africa, let's first make it strong in Ivory Coast then in the other african countries !!!